"Charoti Upanyasa"




"The Complexities and Excitements in the Social Systems of R K Narayans Novels"




"Sadhaba Bahu" It is an Anthology of poems which contains 52 poems. Each poem is enriched with deep thought and poignant feelings. With symbols and allegories, all the poems have become truly modern. Some are mythological in nature. The picture of the modern society has been placed. The social portraits basing on absurdity, love, marriage, despair have been drawn. The poems have been published in different magazines and journals.




"Mo Suna Jhiati O Anyanya Kabita" It is an Anthology of poems containing 26 poems. The poems will appeal to the hearts of the millions. The title poem is symbolic full of allegories and myth. It is didactic in nature which aims at correcting the flaws and behaviour of the so called women hunters. I have portrayed the women harassment, seduction along with the domestic problems of the laden hearts. Some of the poems are in colloquial language. But they are fully accessible.




"Bhuta" is an Anthology of poems which depicts the activities of a man in disguise of a phantom. The title poem is not free from symbols and modernity. All the poems tend towards modernity and delineates the works of the hollowmen, their duplicacy. Each and every poem in it is enriched with thought, emotion and feelings.




"Bhinna Ramayan" The poems have not died but survived. It will survive till the whole world turns to coal. I have heard the heartbeats of my nation, of my people. This book "Bhinna Ramayan" carries real portraits of the society. All the poems are having equal strength. Symbols have been used to say many things in a nut shell. This Anthology of poems contains thirty six poems. I hope, the poems will appeal you.




''Trushna'' is a collection of lyrical poems. Every poem is having lyricism, the quality of a song. I have tried hard to make the poems more lyrical than prosaic. I have written these poems for the singers of AIR and Doordarshan Kendras.
This book contains many lyrical poems. They are of love and romance, triumph and defect, joys and sorrows, sunshine and rain. The modern songs are having warmth and fervour. They are highly appreciated. Bhajan and Janan are also found here.





"Sagara Kule" I am in a village near the Bay of Bengal where I was born and brought up. The scenic beauty of my village, the free unpolluted air of the sea beach, the open river bank, the glade and bower are a special attraction for me. I have never forgotten my small village and its moon-blanched nights and my childhood days. I reminisce the by gone days remaining away from the village scene. But the scene is not a sealed book for me. I have narrated stories of the natural surroundings of my village in my poems written in Sagarkule. The poems in it are very lyrical having lucidity, precision and clarity.




'Bhinna Bharat' is an Anthology of poems carrying 30 pieces of poems. The title poem is very symbolic. It aims at correcting the nature. Other than this, the poems are of idealistic, realistic and surrealistic in nature. I have made them mythical and symbolic. Other than symbols, modern poems are having no meanings. I have tried my best to enhance the value of the poems and the dignity of the poets as well. I have always given importance on simplicity and clarity. Thanks to the publisher Ink Odisha, Bhubaneswar.




'Chitralekhara Hasa O' Anaynya Kabita' has 52 poems. All deal with modernity. The triumph and defeat, joys and sorrows, good and evil associated with human beings has neatly been drawn. Apart from this, the social life and commitment, obligation, harassment of women, exploitation and seduction have been given equal importance too. Through symbols, allegories and myths, many of the things have been told. Other than these, the words coined for the poems are very lucid and simple. Thanks to the publisher, Subarnashree Prakasini, Balasore.




'Model Essays, Letters and Other Communications' will cater to the needs of the students admitted in to BSE, CBSE and ICSE Courses. The Essays and Letters have been written in poetic language under the headings like
Basic and Traditional Essays, School Essays, Essays on Seasons, Cultural Essays, Essays on Travelling, Reflective Essays, Biographical Essays, Science and Nature, Narrative Essays, Games and Sports, Family Letters, Applications, Drafts etc.
Other Communications with Paragraph Writing, Short notices, advertisements, e-mailing, Dialogue Writing are also found here.





"Jhada" It is a domestic novel based on a particular family. But it is universal. This novel focuses love, hope, emotion and passion. It is about the storm arising in mental horizon. Written in a colloquial language, appeals the hearts of the learners.




"Sakala Apekshare" It depicts the story of a family. How all the members have become careless and selfish to fullfill their desires. Still there is a ray of hope, solace for the hero poured for the above. Being tortured in family life, he still goes on building his career with the glad grace of God and destiny. Destiny is character here.




'Sahartale' gives an episode related to a family. But it is universal. The joys and sorrows, travails and sufferings, hunger and starvation are the things which are deeply rooted in our soil. The people suffer like anything. Out of being frustrated, they commit crime and suicide. These things have been well projected here.




"Raktagandha" A village is not away from town. The world has no distance. The people of the villages are fed by passions. The men become beastly and the beasts become manly. When a beast is found in a man, he becomes more bestial than the beast, but when a man is in a beast, it becomes more manly. All these things have been well presented.




"Chitralekha" is an Anthology of poems written in Odia language. Many poems have been included in it which describe Chitralekha as an image, a symbol. This image occurs frequently in each and every poem aiming at various revolutionary steps yet to be undertaken. It is sometimes accepted as a saviour of mankind which brings spiritual rain and a sense of fraternity. The poems are modern and symbolic.




"ESOTERIC - YEATSISM" This Criticism Book depicts - 1W.B. Yeats is rightly considered as the founding father of modern poetry in English literature. He is honoured as the leader of the celtic revival who has philosophized his work of art with symbols and myth. His poetry is the sustained and continuous development of his gifted genius. During the fifty years of his poetic career, he has delved deep in to the world of symbolism, occult, magic reality and romanticism. His early works show the echoes of the romantic idealists and Victorian romantics and his later works carry the works of symbolists. His poems focus Irish folk-tales, legends, mysticism and esoteric doctrine. The objective of this book is to explore esotericism and the mystic elements lurking behind.�







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